Time Factors in Risk Management Decisions

Publication Date : 02/02/2022

Author(s) :

Paul Cheney , Ian McAndrew.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 1
(02 - 2022)

Abstract :

Coronavirus has been a driving force of cyber-attacks, by virtue of phishing attacks. The new work pattern of working from home and uncertainty has increased risks. However, like the effects of COVID-19, the risks and vulnerability created by the rapid shift of society to working from home out of necessity has created unparalleled risks. The rapid move to working from home does not have a commiserate level of protection on the home or the business side of the network. Research in cell phones, home electronics and vulnerabilities of all types of computers, have combined to create a perfect storm of long-term damage and access to corporate and home networks alike. This paper will demonstrate that additional factors should be taken into account at the core risk decision making process as well as how risk methodologies are used. Index Terms— Risk Management, Critical Infrastructure, Failure Modes, Effect Analysis, Detection, Monitoring

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