Technical paper: The Wideband Challenge for RF Filters and SWAP-C

Publication Date : 28/01/2024

Author(s) :

Matthew Torpey, Dr. Michael E. Johnson MRAeS.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1
(01 - 2024)

Abstract :

There is a continuously evolving, unmet need for RF (Radio Frequency) Filters that operate contiguously over multiple frequency octaves or bands. Unlike traditional switched filter banks, these new filters require similar levels of RF performance but with more filters and a smaller overall footprint. Legacy systems typically operate over a sub-octave and filters meant to break down information from the aperture to sub-bands (octave wide) or a little less. These wideband filters, pre-LNA (low noise amplifier), were minimal loss but very large. This paper will examine two new solutions to miniature, wideband, and contiguous filtering, their different capabilities, and where the new filter technologies can enable new overall system capabilities. The commercial (cell phone) vs DoD (Department of Defense) requirement differences which drive very different needs for RF filters highlight the SWAP-C (Size, Weight, and Power – Cost) challenge as wideband, contiguous vs. not, is considered.

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